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Combating Black Algae, Effective Killer Solutions


The water's surface has taken on a dark, murky hue, cloaked in a sticky, oppressive layer of thick black algae that shrouds the floor and tiles alike, rendering their once pristine appearance unrecognizable. It's a sight that leaves no one eager to dive in and turns the idea of a cherished swimming pool into a cringe-worthy nightmare. If you've noticed black algae creeping into your pool and fear this grim tableau becoming your pool's permanent fate, take a deep breath and relax. You've hit the jackpot with this blog, where we'll steer you towards proven methods to battle black algae and restore your pool's well-being.

What is black algae?

Also known as blue-green algae, black algae are not true algae in fact, but they behave similarly. They are unicellular organisms called cyanobacteria. Typically, they take root in porous objects, such as gypsum or concrete, appearing as clusters of tiny black dots from a distance, resembling whiskers growing on the walls of a swimming pool, making them difficult to detect early. Once they enter a swimming pool and proliferate, they can quickly become a disastrous problem. They have protective outer shells, meaning that ordinary disinfectants are not very effective against them.

How do black algae get into swimming pools?

Introduction through contamination:

Long ago, the photosynthesis of black algae turned Earth into a green planet capable of supporting life. However, we don't need to thank them in this context. Unlike green and yellow algae, which can be carried by wind, rain, and birds, black algae originate in natural water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. They usually enter swimming pools when swimwear and pool environments, contaminated with black algae after swimming in natural water bodies, are not thoroughly cleaned.

Poor circulation and filtration:

The circulation system acts as the kidneys of a swimming pool, constantly circulating the water and removing debris. Inadequate water circulation and filtration not only fail to remove debris but also create stagnant areas in the pool, similar to many park ponds, leading to nutrient accumulation and the proliferation of black algae.

Imbalance in chemical substances:

Every pool owner knows the importance of maintaining a chemical balance in the water. Imbalances in pH levels or failure to add chlorine and disinfectants in a timely manner can lead to algae outbreaks.

For daily prevention and treatment of black algae, we recommend the Beatbot AquaSense Pro:

No matter how effective the countermeasures are, we must admit that prevention is the safest and most convenient approach. Therefore, Beatbot's AquaSense Pro can assist you in this regard. It can release Beatbot's exclusive clarifier to efficiently purify the water quality. 

This clarifier is green and biodegradable, containing chitosan derived from recycled crab shells, providing a safe and environmentally friendly chlorine-free solution for water purification. 

Additionally, its exclusive surface cleaning technology allows it to clean the water surface as efficiently as a skimmer , capturing algae that have not yet settled to the bottom, achieving comprehensive and thorough pool cleaning with no dead spots. The operation is simple; just press the button and drop it into the water to start working. It's your most convenient algae prevention officer!

Of course, besides prevention and treatment, if your pool already shows signs of black algae infestation, you can address it through the following methods:

Step-By-Step Guide: Addressing Black Algae in Your Pool!

When faced with an infestation of black algae in your pool, take the following steps to effectively eliminate it:

  1. Scrubbing the Infected Areas:

Begin by equipping yourself with a sturdy pool brush. Use it to vigorously scrub the areas affected by black algae. This action is crucial as it helps to break down the protective layer that shields the algae, making them more susceptible to the pool chemicals.

  1. Superchlorination (Shocking the Pool):

Next, increase the chlorine level in your pool to a range of 10-30 ppm by performing a superchlorination, commonly known as shocking the pool. This high level of chlorine will work to kill the black algae and sanitize the entire pool, ensuring a cleaner and safer environment.

  1. Applying an Algaecide:

For targeted treatment, use a strong algaecide specifically designed to combat black algae. Carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions to determine the correct dosage and application method. This will help to further weaken and eliminate algae.

  1. Regular Brushing and Vacuuming:

Once the algae have been treated, maintain a regular schedule of brushing and vacuuming the pool with your effective  pool cleaner s. This will remove any dead algae and debris, preventing them from re-establishing themselves in the pool and ensuring clearer water.

  1. Cleaning the Pool Filter:

Lastly, do not forget to thoroughly clean or replace the pool filter. This is important as it will remove any trapped algae spores, preventing them from re-entering the pool and causing another infestation. By maintaining a clean filter, you can ensure that your pool remains free of algae and other contaminants.

Can Draining My Pool Work for Eliminating Black Algae?

Draining your pool alone won't effectively eliminate black algae, but it can be part of a more comprehensive solution. If you decide to drain your pool to address a black algae infestation, you should also acid wash the surfaces. An acid wash can be a highly effective treatment for black algae. However, if the algae have also infiltrated your filtration system, adhering to the step-by-step guide provided earlier would be the most effective approach.

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 About the author 

Nathanael Greene

Nathanael Greene is a seasoned professional with over 15 years of experience in the realm of pool design, construction, and maintenance. His love for swimming pools originated in his childhood, and over the years, this passion has evolved into a deep understanding and expertise within the pool industry. As a blog writer for Beatbot, Nathanael is dedicated to sharing his wealth of experience and insights with a wider audience, aiming to enhance and enrich people's outdoor living experiences.

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